Fundacji Wspierania
   Inicjatyw Ekologicznych
   ul. Czysta 17/4,
   31-121 Kraków
   tel./fax: 012/6315730,
   6315731, 6315732

Municipalities of Valley Nature of Valley Tourism and education

Non-protected areas
The Dziećkowice Reservoir

The reservoir is also called "Imielnicki"; it was created on a sand extraction site. Nowadays it serves a function of a reservoir for the Silesia Conurbation. The Przemsza River flows within several hundred metres from its eastern shore but its water is heavily polluted. That is why the water in the reservoir comes from the Soła River, being pumped from there through a pipeline for about seven kilometres from an intake located in Broszkowice. The most interesting wildlife element of the reservoir is visitant and wintering birds. In early spring numerous flocks gather here: Podiceps cristatus the Great Crested Grebe, a few Duck species, Cormorants and Coots. The latter feed on bivalves that occur in abundance in the bottom of the basin. In late autumn we see Gavia arctica Black-throated and Gavia stellata Red-throated Divers, which are similar to Great Crested Grebes in appearance and diving style, but are bigger. In that period the Divers migrate from their breeding grounds in Scandinavia and Siberia to the wintering grounds situated on the Mediterranean and Black Seas. In winter on the reservoir one can admire some beautifully coloured birds from the Anatidae family (wildfowl): Bucephala clangula Common Goldeneyes, Mergus merganser Mergansers, Mergus albellus Smews and a few Gull species, which spend nights on the ice surface. The basin is surrounded with paths, which allow safe cycle trips. The Dziećkowice reservoir is also used by anglers and sailing enthusiasts.

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